PAM Practice Bureau

The PAM Practice Bureau (PB) is a digital platform established by the PAM Professional Practice Committee (PPC) to support the architectural community and the public with practice-related enquiries. A select PPC panel provides insights and perspectives to elevate professional standards and assist enquirers across the industry.

Without Prejudice.
The responses provided by the PAM Practice Bureau (PB) are intended solely for informational purposes and are offered without prejudice. All feedback is based on PB’s best understanding of the information and materials submitted. Enquirers are strongly advised to perform their own due diligence and make independent final assessments.

Enquiry Form PAM Member

Enquiry Form Public/Non-Member


Category A: Architect's Practice

Category B: Permit Delivery I - Planning and Land Matters

Category C: Permit Delivery II - Building Control

Category D: Housing Legislation & Control

Category E: Fire Prevention

Category F: Other Legislation [CIPAA, Companies Act etc]

Category G: Contract Administration

Category H: Technical Matters

Category J: General/Miscellaneous

Note: Queries also published in Berita Akitek.